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Welcome to the Sanborn Regional School District’s web site. This important vehicle is continually up-dated and improved.   It is your portal to the school district and its four schools. As the District moves forward in this new age of technology, our communities will find more and more reasons to visit us on the web.

   Sanborn Regional School District is located in Kingston and Newton with schools in both towns.

  • The Memorial School located in Newton houses grades 3-5 for the Newton & Kingston communities.

  • The  D. J. Bakie School located in Kingston houses grades K-2 for the Kingston & Newton communities and also includes a pre-school program serving both communities.

  • The Sanborn Regional Middle and High School located in Kingston houses grades 6-8 and  9-12 serving the Kingston, Newton and Fremont communities.

  • In total, the District’s enrollment is approximately 1,350 students.

 The District’s central administration office (SAU #17) is located at 51 Church Street in Kingston.

Dr. Thomas J. Ambrose
Superintendent of Schools

Matthew Malila, M. Ed.
Business Administrator

Dr. Troy Kennett
Director of Student Services

Gordon Parks
Director of Technology

Christine Desrochers, M.S. Ed.
Director of Curriculum and Instruction