Any individual or organization wishing to rent the facilities of the Sanborn Regional School District must follow the strict procedure outlined below. Those wishing to rent the facilities must submit all necessary paperwork if they expect their requests to be honored.
Requests for the use of the Sanborn Regional School District facilities will be made to the Principal of that facility (coordinating with the Athletic Director as needed) with final approval required by the Director of Facilities at least 14 days prior to the date of requested use.
Should a conflict occur because of a Sanborn Regional School District school activity, the right to cancel the permission granted (and/or arrange for an acceptable alternate date with the renter) is reserved by the Principal of that location along with the Director of Facilities. Inclement weather cancellations will be determined by the Superintendent of Schools.
An adult who is authorized by the renting organization to sign the written agreement and who is furthermore responsible to the organization must complete the application.
Please read the following:
Sanborn Regional School District Policy KF-R - Use of Facilities Guidelines and Procedures.
Below please find the forms appropriate to the nature of the event that you are requesting to host, download or pick forms up at any school, fill all required forms out completely, sign, and submit by mail or deliver to the Principal of that facility as listed below:
Memorial School, 31 West Main Street, Newton, NH 03858
Sanborn Regional Middle School, 17 Danville Road, Kingston, NH 03848
D.J. Bakie School, 179 Main Street, Kingston, NH 03848
Sanborn Regional High School, 17 Danville Road, Kingston, NH 03848
Seminary (Old High School) Campus, 178 Main Street, Kingston, NH 03848
• Policies & Fee Schedules for Indoor Facilities
◦ Policy Acknowledgement Form
◦ Fee Schedule
• Policies & Fee Schedules for Outdoor Facilities & Athletic Fields
◦ Policy Acknowledgement Form
◦ Fee Schedule
• Sanborn Auditorium Rental Agreement
◦ Policy Acknowledgement Form
◦ Fee Schedule
Once all of these forms have been completed and submitted, you will be notified by the Director of Facilities if your request has been accepted or denied. If your request is accepted, a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total cost for the rental agreement must be paid by the applicant at the time the application is approved by the district. Billing for remaining rental fees, custodial costs, and other expenses from the rental agreement will be sent to the applicant within 5 business days after the completion of rental. Payment of these services will be expected within 10 business days from the billing date.
All checks should be made payable to the Sanborn Regional School District.