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Health Services


Daniel J. Bakie Elementary School
Karen Scherbon, RN
School Nurse
(603) 642-5272
Ext 104

Memorial Elementary School
Nicole Richard, RN
School Nurse
(603) 382-5251
Ext 106

Sanborn Regional Middle School
Sue Gosselin, RN, NP
School Nurse
(603) 382-6226
Ext 1317

Sanborn Regional High School
Beth Brown, RN, CPNP
School Nurse
(603) 642-3341
Ext 1313



This is the season for an increase in the number of cases of colds, flu, intestinal and GI viruses, conjunctivitis, and even strep throat and pneumonia. Parents are asked to consider the following suggestions from the school nurse in order to limit the exposure of healthy children to those who are ill, and to ensure that those who are ill will have as rapid a recovery as possible:

1) If your child has vomited during the night, keep him/her home for at least another 24 hours until you know that he/she is eating regular foods without difficulty and is no longer experiencing nausea or abdominal pain. If your child has had more than one episode of diarrhea, especially when accompanied by fever and/or nausea, please consider their comfort level and risk for dehydration, and keep then at home until fever and diarrhea are resolved.

2) If your child has a persistent cough not controlled by over-the-counter medications, please contact your health care provider, as your child may have an underlying bronchial or lung infection or pneumonia. Severe cold symptoms, such as sneezing, congestion, and/or nasal drainage can interfere with a child's ability to concentrate and learn and poses a contagion risk to others.

3) If your child has a fever (100 degrees or above), please keep your child at home for an additional 24 hours of fever-free time (OFF fever-control medicines) to ensure adequate rest and the opportunity for the immune system to recover. Your child may still be contagious if he/she has a fever at night, but is fever-free in the early morning.

4) If your child has one or both eyes with a red appearance to the sclera (white area), and/or drainage from the corners which is yellow, and/or yellow crusts on lashes and lids which are itchy and/or swollen, please keep them home and consult your health care provider. Conjunctivitis is very contagious, and children with this infection must be on medications for a minimum of 24 hours and no longer draining from the eye to attend school.

5) If your child has been diagnosed with strep throat, they must be taking an antibiotic for 24 hours before they may return to school as non-contagious to others.

6) If your child is experiencing lethargy or irritability with their illness, they will not be feeling well enough to participate in all school activities and are not able to focus in the classroom.

Certain childhood diseases have required exclusion periods to prevent spreading of the disease to the general school population. If you have any questions regarding the advisability of sending your child to school, please call your health care provider or your school nurse.

Frequent hand washing is the number one prevention for the spread of germs and disease within your family as well as in school. Specific concerns regarding your child's illness, or duration of his/her symptoms should be addressed to your family health care provider. Certain childhood diseases have required exclusion periods to prevent spreading of the disease to the general school population. If you have any questions regarding the advisability of sending your child to school, please call your health care provider or your school nurse