Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to insure that we conform to state statutes and rules which will
govern the policy and practice of Sanborn Regional School District with regard to immunization of
Statement of Policy
In an effort to protect the students from communicable disease and in accordance with RSA 141-C, all
children shall be immunized prior to school entrance according to the current recommendations of the
State Public Health Agency, as described in JLCB E-1.
1. A student shall be exempted from the above immunization requirements if he/she presents written
documentation in accordance with RSA 141-C:20-c from his/her physician that immunization
will be detrimental to his/her health. A child will be excused from immunization for religious
reasons, upon the signing of a notarized form by the parent or guardian stating that the child has
not been immunized because of religious beliefs.
2. In the event of an outbreak, students who have been exempted from immunization requirements
will be excluded from school for a period of time, to be established after consultation with the NH
Dept. of Health & Human Services, if such students are considered to be at risk for the disease
that they have not been immunized against.
3. Any child being admitted to the Sanborn Regional School District must present proof of meeting
immunization requirements. Failure to comply with this provision may result in exclusion from
school for the child. The school nurse, principal or designee is responsible for documenting that
all students have been immunized prior to school entrance in accordance with RSA 141-C:20-a
Conditional enrollment may be granted to those students who provide documentation of minimal
acceptable immunizations, with an appointment scheduled to complete the required doses, as
outlined in the state requirements (see attached JLCB E-1).
4. Immunization requirements are based on the current New Hampshire guidelines, which are
distributed yearly by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. Principals
will notify parents/guardians of this requirement at the earliest possible date, so that the necessary
plans can be made with the family physician or other medical resources to accomplish this
standard prior to a child being admitted to school.