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School Board

Role of the School Board

The Sanborn Regional School Board is the elected body that governs the Sanborn Regional School District.  The Board is comprised of 7 elected members - three members are elected by Kingston voters, three members are elected by Newton voters, and one member, the "member-at-large", is elected by both towns.  School board members serve three-year terms.  A student member also sits as a non-voting member of the Board.  Every year, the school board is legally responsible for the education of children from kindergarten through grade 12 who live within the towns of Kingston and Newton.  It is a policy-making body whose primary function is to establish rules and regulations concerning organization, general policies, major plans and procedures for the public schools. The board appoints a superintendent to manage its budget, supervise the staff and students, and make recommendations on operation of the school system.

Meeting Dates, Times and Locations

The Sanborn Regional School Board holds its regular meetings at 6:00 PM on the first Wednesday of every month. The meetings are open to the public. The board meets in the Library at the Sanborn Regional High School. 

How to Address The School Board 

If you wish to be heard by the Board, please plan to do so during the "Public Comment" section that is listed on the agenda.  The section at the beginning of the meeting is to allow community members to comment on the items on the agenda prior to Board actions. In compliance with the New Hampshire Right-to-Know Law, the School Board conducts its meetings in public. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker and a total of 20 minutes.  This will allow everyone to be heard and for the Board to conduct its business in a reasonable fashion.  The Chair will try to limit comments and will keep the meeting moving along. Community members may not be able to get an immediate response to questions or comments.  If the Board has already taken a position on a topic, the Chair will state the Board's position.  When appropriate, members of the Board or the Superintendent may give a limited response.


In order to follow the work of the board in session, copies of the agenda and the various handouts will be available at the meeting in the folder marked "Public Information." The agenda for an upcoming board meeting can be obtained on our website or from the SAU Office the Friday prior to the School Board meeting.  It is also posted at the town libraries, town halls and Post Offices located in Kingston and Newton as well as the four district schools. 

Public Input

The Board and Superintendent welcome summary information pertaining to a specific agenda item(s). Comments may be mailed to:                                                                                                                    


51 Church St., P.O. Box 429, Kingston, NH 03848


Comments must be received by the Superintendent or Board Chair by the Wednesday prior to the Board meeting. The superintendent will review your signed and dated correspondence as part of the process for making recommendations on agenda items.

Process for Concerns

The process for bringing a concern or question to the board is a s follows:

  1. Address the issue at the lowest level possible: Talking directly to the person you have a concern with is always the first step.
  2. Principal: If the issue cannot be resolved with a staff member the next step is to talk to the Principal.
  3. Department Director: This applies to Special Education and Curriculum/Instruction issues. Before meeting with the Superintendent, the Director of Student Services and/or the Director of Academics, Professional Learning and Student Affairs.
  4. Superintendent: If the issue cannot be resolved with the Principal, the next step is to talk to the Superintendent.
  5. School Board Chair: If the issue cannot be resolved with a Superintendent, the next step is to talk to the School Board Chair
  6. School Board: If the issue cannot be resolved with the School Board Chairperson, the next step is to talk to the School Board

Board Packets

Packets containing the agenda, documenting materials and recommendations will be distributed to board members on the Friday prior to each regular meeting. Packets will be available for public review at the Board meetings.


The minutes of the board meeting are available at the SAU office and this web-site.

Essential News

The School Board publishes a quarterly newsletter highlighting district events that is mailed to every home in Kingston and Newton in September, November, February and March.


Definition of Student Success 

In 2018, the Sanborn Regional School District developed a new definition for student success. Led by, and supported by our School Board, the definition will allow our community to set annual growth goals to monitor student achievement and celebrate the successes of our graduates. The criteria are listed here and progress is evaluated annually.

Board Members